
Prom Committee

The Prom 2009 Organising Committee comprises mainly of members from the Commonwealth Secondary School Alumni spanning from various batches.

Collaborating closely with the Parent-Teachers Network (PTN) and the school, we are commited to organising and putting together the best possible prom experience for this year's graduates - making it as memorable and special as it rightfully should.

Click here to see the list of Prom Committee

Contact Us

If you need to contact the organising committee on anything with regards to the CSS Seniors' Prom 2009, don't hesitate to email us at

Do include your name and we'll will try to get back to you as promptly as possible.

All emails received will be kept confidential and will only be used for the purposes of referencing, organising and planning the event.

Prom Details

Date: 23 November 2009
Time: 1800-2300
Venue: Amara Hotel


List of FAQs


CSS Portal
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CSS Prom 07
CSS Prom 08

August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009.
Weird dresses>12:20 AM.

A few dresses to inspire you.

The Birdcage Dress by Kasey McMahon

The Phonebook Dress by Jolis Paons

The Wooden Dress

The Video Dress by Hussein Chalayan

The Tax Form Dress by Britt Savage

The Bubelle Dress by Philips

Porcelain Dress -Li Xiao Feng

Inspired not?

Wednesday, August 26, 2009.

I've been snooping around the net instead of mugging and found something really cool from, an insightful fashion blog by Camille to inspire you. She's really creative and has a knack for wearing a piece of garment in multiple ways.

Some of my favourite posts. As seen in the first photo, she turned a mens dress shirt into skirt here and in the subsequent ones, playing around with a swacket here.

>2:03 AM.

Heyy awesome people!! It is out!

On the 23 November 2009, Monday, the seniors' prom 2009 is going to be held at The Amara Hotel Grand Ballroom from 6:30 to 11pm. It will be an eventful and unforgettable night, donned in glamour, having the time of our lives and basking in the season for love.

Details such as how to get there and whatnot will be posted at a later date.

See you there!

Monday, August 24, 2009.
>2:58 AM.

If it's of any consolation, the jc and poly people in the alumni are mugging really hard for our promos and sem exams. JIAYOU PEOPLE :D

Sunday, August 23, 2009.
Hands up, those studying.>2:37 AM.

Prelims are coming!
JIAYOU to everyone of you and really make full use of these papers. It really reveals what you are still unsure of in terms of concepts. From there you can clear all your doubts and be prepared for the big O!

Hmmm, consult your teachers or do ten year series! Practice practice practice, tys did wonders for me though.

Prom comm is cheering for you! All the best :D

Thursday, August 20, 2009.
De stress De stress De stress>2:01 PM.

Hey guys!

Here's something for you to laugh at, before you start mugging again.

Sunday, August 16, 2009.
Pageant Nomination Box>8:24 PM.





Hello all!

This is how the Pageant Nomination Box looks like. It will be place in the general office.

You can nominate as many people as you want, BUT you can only nominate ONE PERSON ONCE.

Nomination ends on 30th Oct. So hurry and nominate your friends or yourself now!

Prom 09 Organising Committee

Friday, August 14, 2009.
Forewords>4:23 PM.

For some, it was 4 unforgettable years of memories. For some, it was 5. Do you still remember the first day you set foot into the Sea of Blue, dumbfounded by the wide array of unfamiliar faces?

Well then, the day of the seniors’ prom would be the day you reminisce all dear and fond memories spent with your fellow schoolmates through thick and thin this 4 or 5 years. It’s the beginning of a new chapter of your individual lives, some may stay together getting into the same school, same course, whereas some friends may embark on their own journey into new escapades. Prom is the day for you to seize the moment, and make a wonderful memory out of your secondary school years.

While you are mugging hard for the o’levels, the prom committee are busy preparing for what we hope will be the best night in your life. Well, at least best-night-in-your-life so far. So, mug hard and we assure you the best night after your O's!

That aside, this blog will be an outlet for you to get updated with all the latest happenings and developments.So do check back often! Got a general prom query? Use the tagboard to get us or you can email us too. Details on how to contact us is up on the side bar. Also, if you got any ideas on how to make this blog better, feel free to tell us too.

Season for love. Theme for seniors’ prom 2009. It’s a night for you to show our love, care and concern to your dearest friends and teachers around. You may not get to see each other as often as before, but the memories that were created together would last a lifetime!

Stay tuned for more updates and developments!!

Prom 09 Organizing Committee

Thursday, August 13, 2009.
FAQs>4:57 PM.

1) Do I really have to go for Prom?

Attendance is mandatory for all graduates (except those with valid reasons and approval from the school). This is as the prom will also double up as a graduation night where you will be receiving your certificates.

Besides, Prom might be the last time for you and some of your friends to meet, chat and have a couple of laughs (and of course to take photos together). It will certainly be a special experience shared with those you hold special to you.

2) I've got something to ask that isn't listed here or anywhere else on the blog. How do I contact you guys?

You can contact us at Remember to leave your name as well for replying purposes.

3) Prom was great! How can I contribute to the planning of next year's prom and other school events?

Well, the most immediate way is to join the CSS Alumni. Application forms will be made available at Prom, so you can fill one up and wait for further details about membership payment and other stuff. Alternatively if you wish to join at a later date, you can contact Mdm Chang who is in-charge of liaising with the alumni.

Once you're a member, we will keep you in mind whenever planning for a school event comes around. With regards to Prom, there isn't really any criteria in qualifying to become a part of the organising committee. What's needed is just a good sense of committment, initiative and drive.

The Prom Committee>4:34 PM.

The Advisors:
Loo Yi Hua
Alan Yong Jian Hui
Hoong Wei Long

Overall In-Charge:
Toh Song Hui

Zhang Jia Hao(IC)
Shelvi Ganda
Fong Huay Ning

Clara Yeo(IC)
Cheryl Choy Min
Low Jun Hua

Souveniers & Lucky Draw:
Hong Shu Qi(IC)
Chen Ting Ting
Fiona Lee Yi Xuan
Esther Tan Si Xuan

Joanne Yang Wen Hui(IC)
Goh Guo Hao
Hamidah Bte Hashim
Khoo Siok Hwee

Jessie Ng Cheng Yi(IC)
Teo Chien Kwan
Boh Jia Min
Eunice Chua Huimin

Adeline Wong Jing Yi(IC)
Liu Yi Lian
Joey Lim Hui Fen
Ow Liying
Serene Goh Hui Jie

Muhammad Farhan(IC)
Chong Kelvin